Supramolecular assemblies are introduced here as new-concept hard templates for the synthesis of hollow nanostructures(exemplified with Ti O2 hollow nanostructures in this work). Supramolecular templates with tunable morphology and rich surface functional groups facilitate the tight coating of other materials for the formation of hollow nanostructures. The weak interaction between the supramolecules or micromolecules benefits the facile removal of the templates for large-scale synthesis of hollow nanostructures and also affords excellent template reusability. This method allows for the incorporation of various metal dopants into the Ti O2 lattice, as a typical example of nanocatalyst, by introducing the corresponding metal salt as a dopant source. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD) and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy investigations suggested substitution of Ti4+ sites by Co2+, which increased the activity of the catalytic sites in the doped materials, reducing the overpotential of Ti O2 for the oxygen evolution reaction.
超分子自组装化合物具有可调控的形貌和丰富的表面官能团.超分子或小分子单体之间的弱相互作用有利于除去模板,作为硬模板合成空心纳米结构(以Ti O2为例),不仅能得到具有可调控形貌的空心纳米结构,并且超分子模板可以回收和重复利用.实验表明,用三聚氰氨和三聚氰酸作为原料合成的超分子模板,有利于在模板表面复合无机组分,并且模板中的氢键在水中易断裂,因此可以通过透析方法除去模板得到空心纳米结构.这种超分子模板法也可以用于合成掺杂金属离子的空心结构纳米催化剂,进一步调控电子结构增加析氧反应的活性位点,降低超电势.更重要的是,此模板合成方法简单、耗能低、可重复利用,可以用于合成大批量的空心结构纳米催化剂.
financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2013CB934102 and 2011CB808703)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21331004 and 21301116)