In this work,hollow structured V_2O_5 microspheres were fabricated from solid vanadium precursor microspheres which were prepared by microwave-assisted,solvothermal approach.In the annealing process,the spherical precursor microspheres can be converted into hollow microspheres,serving as a sacrificial template.The synthesis approach is quite different from the previously reported approaches for the preparation of hollow structured V_2O_5microspheres.As cathode materials for lithium ion batteries,the hollow-structured V_2O_5 microspheres exhibit high capacity and good rate capability.The electrodes deliver specific discharge capacities of 132 and 113 mA h g^(-1) at the current densities of 1 C and 8 C,respectively.
本文报道了一种制备V_2O_5中空微球的新方法.首先采用微波、溶剂热法制备了实心结构的钒前躯体,再在空气中烧结,实现其向空心结构V_2O_5微球的结构转变.在此过程中,前躯体微球起到了牺牲模板的作用.该制备方式与之前报道的V_2O_5中空微球的方法有较大不同作为锂离子电池正极材料,该V_2O_5微球展现了较高的容量和优异的倍率性能.该材料在电流密度大小为1C和8C下的初始放电比容量分别为132和113 mAhg^(-1).
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51302323)
the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(NCET-13-0594)
the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province(14JJ3018)