
近代中外合作办慈善:广东石龙麻风院研究 被引量:1

Modern Sino-foreign Cooperative Charity: A Case Study on Shilong Leprosy Hospital of Guangdong
摘要 麻风病是一种古老的恶性传染病,曾在世界范围内肆虐,长期被视为"不治之症"。在近代中国的两广地区患者众多。出于对患者的恐惧和排斥,民众和政府对其坐视不救,甚至采取了屠杀手段。这些患者的悲惨遭遇,引起了在华外国传教士的关注。1912年,来自比利时的孔如古司铎创办了石龙麻风院,在对患者疗身和疗心的同时,还组织患者从事生产劳动。该院的各个社区在民主选举的基础上,实现了民主管理、民主决策、民主监督和社区自治,过着男耕女织、自给自足的生活。石龙麻风院具有收容、慈善、治疗、隔离、劳动、养老与医疗传教等多重功能,成为近代中国麻风院的楷模。 Leprosy is a malignant infectious disease with long history. It had been raging around the world and was considered as 'incurable' for a long time. In modern China history, there were many patients in Guangdong and Guangxi province. They were ignored and even massacred by the public and government out of fear and exclusion, which attracted the attention of foreign missionaries in china. In 1912, a priest, named Louis Lambert Conrarh, founded the Shilong Leprosy Hospital, which provided the patients with physical and mental treatment and engaged them in productive work. The communities in it realized democratic management, democratic decision-making, democratic supervision, and communities autonomy on the basis of democratic elections. Male patients did farm work in the fields while females did weaving at home. They led a self-sufficient life. The Shilong Leprosy Hospital had functions of resettlement, charity, treatment, isolation, laboring, pension, medical missionary and so on. It became a model of Leprosy Hospital in modern China.
作者 张士伟
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2016年第4期104-108,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
基金 陇南师范高等专科学校社科基金项目"<圣教杂志>研究"(2014LSSK02007)阶段性研究
关键词 麻风病 石龙麻风院 孔如古 leprosy Shilong Leprosy Hospital Louis Lambert Conrarh
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  • 1邬志坚.《二十五年来之救济麻疯运动》[J].麻疯季刊,1927,1(4):4-4.
  • 2《中国麻风病概念演变的历史》,《中研院历史语言研究所集刊》(台北)第70本第2分(1999年6月).
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  • 4J. L. Maxwell, Leprosy : A Practical Text-book for Use in China, Shanghai : 1937, p. 3.
  • 5李尚仁.《十九世纪后期英国医学界对中国麻风病情的调查研究》.《中央研究院历史语言所集刊》,第74本第3分,2003年,第449页.
  • 6D. George Joseph, “Essentially Christian, Eminently Philanthropic: The Mission to Lepers in British India”, Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ,Vol. 10, Supplement 1, 2003, pp. 253 - 256.
  • 7"List of Leprosaria and Clinics in China", The Chinese Recorder,Vol. 71, No. 7, July 1940, pp. 465 -471; The Leper Quarterly,Vol. 14, No. 1, March 1940, p. 79.
  • 8D. George Joseph, “Essentially Christian, Eminently Philanthropic: The Mission to Lepers in British India”, Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ,Vol. 10, Supplement 1, 2003, pp. 259.
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  • 10柏年.《本会创立的经过》[J].麻疯季刊,1927:2-3.











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