

Investigation and Expedition of Related Problems about Shihong Temple Small and Medium Grottoes in Fuxian County,Shaanxi
摘要 石泓寺石窟位于陕西省富县直罗镇韩村村东(图1),北纬35°53′50.8″、东经108°52′47.2″、海拔1068米(7号窟窟口外台阶上测得)。该石窟群分布在东西向长约80米,高约10米的自然崖壁上,坐北面南,共由10窟组成(图2),由左向右依次编为1—10号窟1。石窟所在的山体为红砂砾石岩,岩质松软,较易风化。在石窟南约100米处小河子川汇入葫芦河。 There are 10 grottoes in Shihong Temple grottoes.This paper makes a detailed investigation of 9 small and medium grottoes except the seventh grotto.Ten grottoes are tomb caves,which were built in the unknown age.The second cave is a Three hole(religious integration of Confucian,Buddhism,and Taoism,)built in 1543.The third cave was built between 969 and 970,which is the only grotto that has a clear age in the Northern Song Dynasty in Northern Shaanxi.The fourth cave is not all dug during the Xiantong period of the Tang Dynasty.Two statues of the left wall were excavated in the Tang Dynasty,and the others were built around the sixth year of the Qiande in Northern Song Dynasty.The fifth cave was built in the first year of Xiande in the Later Zhou Dynasty when the Manjusri riding a lion on the center of Buddha altar was created.And the right wall statue continued to be carved in the Jin Dynasty.The sixth cave was dug during the fourth year of Daye in the Sui Dynasty while the main Buddha statue was finished in the second year of Jinglong in the Tang Dynasty.It has gone through two more carved,once during the eighth year of Kaibao in the Northern Song Dynasty and the other about during the seventh year of Zhenyuan in the Jin Dynasty.The eighth cave is a Zen Grottoe that was built in the Ming Dynasty.The ninth cave was dug in the Ming Dynasty,which originally kept the clay statue,now only altar and caisson.
作者 石建刚 万鹏程 Shi Jiangang;Wan Pengcheng(the Silk Road Institute of historical culture,SNNU;Institute of Cultural Relics,Yan’an City)
出处 《丝绸之路研究集刊》 2019年第1期350-371,424-425,共23页 Journal of the Silk Road Studies
基金 2016年国家社科基金重大项目“敦煌西夏石窟研究”(16ZDA116) 陕西省社科基金一般项目“陕北宋金石窟与党项/西夏佛教艺术关系研究”(2018H05) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“陕北宋金石窟碑刻题记整理与研究”(2017M623102)阶段性成果
关键词 Shihong TEMPLE grottoes a THREE HOLE the Manjusri riding a LION Shihong Temple grottoes a Three hole the Manjusri riding a lion
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