
羽音疗法配合耳穴埋籽在智齿拔除术后镇痛的效果观察 被引量:2

Curative Observation of Tune,Feather Sound Therapy Combined with Ear Acupuncture Point Buries a Seed in Wisdom Tooth Pull out Postoperative Analgesia
摘要 目的:通过研究智齿拔除后欣赏羽调音乐配合耳穴埋籽按压对止痛效果的影响,探讨建立五音——羽音疗法配合耳穴埋籽有效减轻智齿拔除术后疼痛的护理干预方法,从而减轻焦虑、减少止痛药物使用。方法:采用前瞻性单盲法,所有参与此次研究的患者均签署了知情同意书,随机接受五音——羽音疗法配合耳穴埋籽作为止痛措施的患者分入实验组,不接受音乐及耳穴埋籽的分入对照组。实验组在拔除智齿后进行全程音乐治疗,耳穴埋籽干预,对照组常规备用口服止痛药布洛芬胶囊0.3g。采用视觉模拟量表(VAS)对患者的疼痛程度和焦虑程度进行评估,术前及术后1、6、12、24小时嘱患者自评疼痛和焦虑程度(22:00-次晨8:00不进行防止打扰患者休息)。掌握患者睡眠情况。术后24小时随访患者疼痛、焦虑评分结果和睡眠情况。结果:接受五音——羽音疗法配合耳穴埋籽的智齿拔除术患者疼痛和焦虑程度较对照组明显减轻,且芬必得口服率为25.68%,对照组芬必得口服率为88.34%。两组间比较差异显著,P<0.001。睡眠质量优于对照组,P<0.05,两组间对比有统计学差异;实验组疼痛持续时间比对照组短P<0.05有统计学差异。结论:本研究采用的羽音疗法配合耳穴埋籽可以在智齿拔除术后缓解紧张焦虑情绪愉悦身心,并通过耳穴刺激经穴镇痛,减少口服止痛药的使用。 Objective: By studying the wisdom tooth pull out after appreciate the tone of music with the influence of the analgesic effect of ear acupuncture point buries a seed compressions,forming a tune-feather sound therapy with ear acupuncture point buries a seed alleviate wisdom tooth pull out the nursing methods of postoperative pain,so as to reduce anxiety,analgesic drug use. Methods: Using prospective single-blind method,all of the patients involved in the study were signed the informed consent,and randomized to receie a tune-feather sound therapy with ear acupuncture point buried a seed as pain relief measures of patients into the experimental group,not to accept music and ear acupuncture point buries a seed points into the controlled group. The experimental group was treated by music after the removal of wisdom teeth,the auricular burial seed intervention,and the normal controlled group of the controlled group with the oral painkiller ibuprofen capsule 0. 3 g. Using the visual analogue scale(VAS) to evaluate the patient's pain degree and anxiety degree,preoperative and postoperative 1,6,12,24 hours will appraise the degree of pain and anxiety in patients with rick(22: 00 ~ 8: 00 to prevent not to disturb the victim rest). Mastered the patient's sleep.Pain,anxiety scores and sleep were followed 24 hours after surgery. Results: Receiving tune-feather sound therapy with ear acupuncture point buries a seed of wisdom tooth pull out patients' pain and anxiety levels were better than the controlled group significantly reduce,and he would be at a rate of 25. 68% of profess to convinced,controlled Finn would receive oral rate was 88. 34%.The difference between the two groups was significant,P< 0. 001. The quality of sleep was better than the controlled group,P<0. 05,and the comparison between the two groups was statistically significant. The duration of pain in the experimental group was lower than that in the controlled group. Conclusion: This study adopted the sound therapy with ear acupuncture point buries a seed can be wisdom tooth pull out postoperative ease anxious mood cheerful body and mind,and through the ear to stimulate the acupuncture point analgesia,reduce the use of oral analgesics.
作者 陈华燕
出处 《四川中医》 2018年第4期220-222,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 羽音疗法 耳穴埋籽 智齿拔除术后 镇痛效果 Pinyin therapy Auricular seed wisdomtooth extraction Analgesic effect
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