

Effects of Culture Procedures and Medium Components on Anther Culture of Eggplant
摘要 为提高茄子单倍体育种的效率,以优选植株的花蕾为试材,研究不同成分的培养基及培养程序对茄子花药培养胚状体发生和发育的影响。结果表明:诱导培养基中糖的种类和浓度以及聚乙二醇(PEG)浓度,分化、成熟、生根培养基中生长调节剂的浓度和种类等都会影响胚状体的发生和发育。诱导培养基使用蔗糖时,胚状体产生早、发育较成熟但数量少;使用葡萄糖,则胚状体产生数量多,但发育慢;分化培养基中细胞分裂素浓度过高、培养时间过长均不利于形成正常形态的胚状体,导致成苗困难;最终形成了培养结果稳定、可多次重复的茄子花药培养程序:花药→诱导培养基S1培养15 d(36黑暗条件下培养6 d,25光照16 h黑暗8 h培养9 d)→分化培养基B2培养20 d→胚成熟培养基培养20 d→出胚花药生根培养基培养20 d→萌发胚胎生根培养基成苗。 In order to improve the efficiency of haploid breeding of eggplant,the buds of superior commercial eggplant cultivars were selected as materials to study the effects of different media and culture procedures on the embryogenesis and development of eggplant anther culture.The results showed that types and concentrations of sugars and different concentrations of polyethylene glycol(PEG)in induction medium,different concentrations and types of growth regulators in differentiation,seedling formation of strong embryos and rooting medium all affected the embryogenesis induction and development.When sucrose was used in induction medium,embryoids were produced early,mature but few in quantity,however,when glucose was used,embryoids were produced in large quantity but the development was slow.It was difficult to grow seedlings because of the high concentration of cytokinin in differentiation medium,in which abnormal embryoids were formed.The eggplant anther culture procedure which had stable culture results and could be repeated multiple times was finally established:anthers→culture in induction medium S1 for 15 days(6 days in 36℃dark conditions,9 days in 25℃with 16 h light and 8 h darkness)→culture in differential medium B2 for 20 days→culture in embryo mature medium for 20 days→rooting culture of embryo anther for 20 days→seedling in germinating embryo rooting medium.
作者 王畅 崔群香 朱海佳 周祯 陈丹阳 汪辉 刘方娇 WANG Chang;CUI Qunxiang;ZHU Haijia;ZHOU Zhen;CHEN Danyang;WANG Hui;LIU Fangjiao(Jinling Institute of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211169,China)
机构地区 金陵科技学院
出处 《蔬菜》 2019年第4期15-21,共7页 Vegetables
基金 江苏省大学生实践创新项目(201713573020Y) 金陵科技学院博士科研启动资金(jit-b-201319)
关键词 茄子 花药培养 胚状体 植株再生 eggplant anther culture embryo plant regeneration
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