The aim of this experiment is to observe the effects of photosynthesized bacteria forage on egg - chickens. 192 435 - day - old chickens were divided into 4 groups,in which Group 1,2,3 were fed with 2%,4%,6% of TR photosynthesized forage in place of basic feed, Group 4 as the controlled one. After 30 days, the egg production, egg weight and feed consumed of each group were noted down. The experimental results indicated that follows: the egg production of each experimental group increased: among the experimental group,Group 2 was remarkable different with the controlled group(P < 0.01); the egg weight of each experimental group increased a little with less consumption of forage. Based on the feed conversion ratio(FCR) ,Groupl and Group3 were slightly different(P> 0.05) ,Group2 was much different from the controlled (P < 0. 05). Therefore, remarkable increasing of egg production and the reward of forage could be achieved by using TR photosynthesized bacteria forage in place of common forage.
Journal of Handan Agricultural College