对美国现代派诗歌的研究一直是我国对美国文学的主要研究方向之一。美国意象派诗歌的兴起 ,顺应了时代的心理、思想、审美的需求 ,突破了英诗传统格律的限制 ,并且确立了美国意象派诗歌自己视觉独特、个性鲜明的风格特征。寻求和了解美国意象派诗歌的起源与发展历程 ,有助于我们分析与把握意象派诗歌的语言结构和意象特征 ,思索如何借鉴西方现代诗歌的内在结构和外在形式来丰富中国诗歌的形式和促进中国诗歌的发展。
The First World War made America a different country, and literature underwent a substantial change. In poetry there appeared a strong reaction against Victorian poetry, the chief characteristics of which are its moralizing tendencies, its overpadding of extra-poetic matter, and its traditional iambic pentameter. The movement which and these as its aims is known in literary history as imagism.
Journal of Chaohu University