学习社会的来临宣告了传统教育范式的终结。教育的天平开始由重“教”向重“学”倾斜。一切教育活动都将要为学生的学习服务。教育内容的选择、教学方法的采用、教育环境的营造都不能偏离学生的学习这一中心。教育过程体现为学习者自我指导、自觉能动地建构主体的过程。学习化社会为学习主体的生成营造了良好的环境 ,同时学习主体也成为学习社会得以完善的动力机制。
The coming of the learning society declares that the traditional education is ended. The focus of education changes from 'teaching 'to 'learning'. The selection of education contents, the adoption of teaching method, the construction of education environment must depend on the situation of students' learning. Education means that the students guide themselves and promote themselves. The learning society provides the environment for the learning subjectivity. The learning subjectivity makes for the formation of the learning society.
Journal of Chaohu University