2Alice Walker.In Search of Our Mother's Gardens[M].New York:Harcourt Brace Jocanovich.1983.
3Braxton Joanne M& Andree Nicola McLaughlin,eds.Wild Women in the Whirlwind:Afra-American Culture and the Contemporary Literary Renaissance[M].New Jersey:Rutgers University Press,1990.
4Dina Benevol.Excel Studies in Literature:Alice Walker's The Color Purple[M].Glebe:Pascal Press,1994.
5Langston Hughes."The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain",Black Expression[M].New York:Wey-bright Talley Press,1970.
6Susan Edwards Meisenhelder.Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick:Race & Gender in the Work of Z.N.Hurston[M].Alabama:University of Alabama Press,1999.