A composite modeling approach was presented for simulating thethree-dimensional (3-D) subsurface transport of dissolved contaminants with transformation products.The approach was based on vertical infiltration and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zoneand 3-D groundwater flow and contaminant migration in the saturated zone. Moisture movement andgroundwater flow were considered to be steady, but contaminant transport was treated as continuousand transient. The transformed unsaturated zone and saturated zone transport equations were solvednumerically with different techniques. The model contains a 3-D solution to flow and transport inthe saturated zone, as well as two-dimensional solutions to vertical cross-sectional and arealscenarios. In order to verify the composite modeling, extensive experiments were conducted in twolarge-scale variable-slope soil tanks of 1200cm in length, 150cm in width and 150cm in height. Sandsoil was filled in the tank as the porous media. The solutions of KBr or NH_4C1 were introduced intoeach soil tank from 80 X 37cm^2 area sources located on the top of the porous medium. Results fromnumerical simulations were compared with the data from tests. Predicted results are in goodagreement with the experimental data.
A composite modeling approach was presented for simulating thethree-dimensional (3-D) subsurface transport of dissolved contaminants with transformation products.The approach was based on vertical infiltration and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zoneand 3-D groundwater flow and contaminant migration in the saturated zone. Moisture movement andgroundwater flow were considered to be steady, but contaminant transport was treated as continuousand transient. The transformed unsaturated zone and saturated zone transport equations were solvednumerically with different techniques. The model contains a 3-D solution to flow and transport inthe saturated zone, as well as two-dimensional solutions to vertical cross-sectional and arealscenarios. In order to verify the composite modeling, extensive experiments were conducted in twolarge-scale variable-slope soil tanks of 1200cm in length, 150cm in width and 150cm in height. Sandsoil was filled in the tank as the porous media. The solutions of KBr or NH_4C1 were introduced intoeach soil tank from 80 X 37cm^2 area sources located on the top of the porous medium. Results fromnumerical simulations were compared with the data from tests. Predicted results are in goodagreement with the experimental data.