介绍了主要由通用变频器、PLC、位置控制器、执行机构等组成的异步电动机传动的位置控制系统(APCS-Auto Position Control System),分析了系统的定位过程及工作原理,讨论和提出了减少系统定位偏差和克服死区的补偿方法;简要介绍了国内外异步电动机定位控制领域的研究发展动态。
In this paper,APCS is introduced,Which is mainly make up from jeneral frequency conrerter, PLC, position controller,performing equipment etc. The system orientation process and control principle are analysed; It is deccused and suggested to reduce system orientation error and the compensation method of overcome dead-zone. The trends of APCS in internal and external is also introduced.
Electronics Quality