一、虚空区和虚空度用静压力模型来近似描述地壳的稳定状态是相当合理的。在漫长的地质时期中,旧沉积物被新沉积物压实,然后固结成岩。如此周而复始,就会形成一系列紧密叠置的岩层。假设地壳某深度h0以上有n个岩层,其比重分别为d1,d2… dn,厚度分别为h1,h2…hn,那么该深度的压力对于连续变化的比重d=d(h),有对于d近似为常数的情形。
In the crust, portions where pressure is considerably lower than the theoretical hydrolic pressure are refferred to as geovacuum-zones in this paper. Such portions are related to the low—vclosity laycrs and the low-resistivity zones in the crust. The structure of geovacuum-zone is in accordence with that of rock in dilatation which can be characterized by lots of micro—fractures. Therefore, the compressibility of geovacuum-zone may be pretty high. Theory of Geovacuum is one of the essential parts of tectonic collapse theory.
Bulletin of the Institute of Crustal Dynamics