1985年哈斯特取得地壳浅部应力状态的第一批资料之后,地应力探测技术获得了迅速的发展。到目前为止,已有20多个国家开展了地应力测量。测量方法有十余类,测量仪器近百种。由于该项技术的发展,一开始就受到钻探工程的限制,人们对地壳内的地应力测量一般均局限在浅层地表,大多为十几米至几百米;采用水压致裂方法之后,测量深度可达几千米。1977年海姆森(BC Haimson)在5.1km深的钻孔中采用水压致裂方法,成功地进行了应力测量。对于5km以下更深处的地应力测量,至今还是一个盲区。地应力测量从原理上可分直接测量与间接测量;
Great progress has been made in the in-situ stress measurement in the passed 30 years, but much less has been done in exploring the deep-seated crustal stress state without borehole drilling. The DYL-type Crustal Stress State Explorer has been designed specially for exploring the stress state of rock layers beneath the depth of 5km in the Earth's crust, and its relation with the geological structures. A short discussion on the principle and application of this new technique is given in this paper. We hope that colleagues who are interested in this field would pay attention and give their support to it.
Bulletin of the Institute of Crustal Dynamics