一、引言 1.地震灾害的特点地震灾害属突发性自然灾害,大地震在顷刻间造成各种生命线工程的破坏,切断灾区与外界的各种联系,极大地影响到地震应急指挥与抢险救灾。1995年的日本坂神地震、1999年土耳其7.8级地震、1999年台湾的7.6级地震等国内外近期发生的大地震都暴露出这些问题。因此,如何迅速、全面地获取灾区的灾情信息成为减轻地震灾害的关键技术。 2.目前减轻地震灾害工作研究水平分析地震预报是尚未攻克的世界性技术难题,地震预报在短期内难以发挥巨大的减灾效益。目前,我国的抗震设防水平较低,国家也不可能在抗震设防上花费太多,因此。
Destructive earthquakes are rapid onset disasters during which various life-line engineering constructions in the hazard area can suddenly be invalidated that extremely influences the disaster relief assistance. Therefore, for effective disaster mitigation, it is a key task to obtain detailed disaster information as fast as possible. This can be done quickly and accurately through analyses of remote sensing images of the area concerned. At present, there are several running satellites are usable for earthquake disaster evaluation. Moreover, it is reported that there will be high-resolution satellite launched in the near future for earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation. For processing remote sensing images, there have been many effective methods that can be used to gain various seismic disaster information, providing reliable data for making decision of disaster mitigation.
Bulletin of the Institute of Crustal Dynamics