扭断盖滚压封口工艺广泛应用于瓶装饮品的封装。这里分析了扭断盖滚压封口机中滚压封口装置的工作原理 ,介绍了滚压封口机头中差动轮系有关参数的设计计算方法 ,给出了圆柱凸轮机构和径向进给机构的设计思路 。
The rolling seal technique of twisting breakable covers is being widely applied now in the seal of bottled drinks. The seal procedure is achieved usually by a twisting breakable covers rolling seal mechanism, in which the key part is a rolling seal unit which rolls the screw on the aluminum bottle cover. In the rolling seal unit,a differential gear system is used to control the radial and axial feed movements of both a screw rolling wheel and a side seal wheel in order that the action of rolling seal can be fulfilled. In this paper, the mechanism analysis is made on the rolling seal unit in a rolling seal mechanism, the method of parameter design and calculation of the differential gear system in a rolling seal mechanism is introduced, and the basic ideas for the design of cylindrical cam and radial feed mechanisms are presented. Finally, an example is given as a demonstration.
Light Industry Machinery