针对伊犁第二火电厂 2台CG 130 /3.82M12型中压锅炉运行以来存在的排烟温度高和热风温度高问题 ,研究制定了相应的改造方案 ,即恢复锅炉 10 7m2 的过热器面积 ,增加部分省煤器受热面积 ,在尾部烟道加装 8台蒸汽吹灰器。改造后运行表明 ,排烟温度降低了 30℃ ,热风温度降低了 10 0℃ ,效果良好。
In view of troublesome problems of high exhaust gas temperature and high hot air temperature having existed after putting two CG-130/3.82-M12 type boilers into operation at Yili Thermal Power Plant NO.2, corresponding retrofitting schemes have been studied and worked out, namely renewing 107m 2 area of superheater in the boiler, increasing heating surface area of a party of the economizer, adding 8 steam soot-blowers in the heat recovery gas duct. The operation after retrofitting shows, the exhaust gas temperature having been lowered by 30℃, the hot air temperature by 100℃, obtaining good results of operation.
Thermal Power Generation