探讨了茶多酚在真丝织物上的改性及其染色性能,确定了最佳媒染染色工艺如下:浴比为1∶50的染浴中,茶多酚用量为5.0%(o.w.f),用磷酸二氢钠-柠檬酸溶液调节染浴p H为6,当温度升到60℃时加入织物,升温至90℃,染色30 min后,降温至60℃,再将织物取出放入媒染浴中,媒染剂用量为2 g/L。以1℃/min的速度升温至95℃,染色25 min后,在60℃下水洗,晾干。Fe SO_4、Cu SO_4、Fe Cl3和KAl(SO_4)_24种金属媒染剂均能使真丝茶多酚染色的K/S值增加。染色后的真丝织物具有较高的摩擦牢度、皂洗牢度和耐日晒牢度,一般可达4级或以上,并具有良好的抗紫外效果和抑菌效果,CuSO_4作为媒染剂得到的真丝染色织物抗紫外效果最好;KAl(SO_4)_2作为媒染剂染后的真丝织物抗菌效果最好;茶多酚媒染后的织物具有较好的色牢度及功能性,具有良好的应用开发前景。
The modification and dyeing property of silk with tea polyphenols were studied and the best mordant dyeing process was also determined. The dyeing bath ratio was 1 ∶ 50 and tea polyphenol dosage was 5%( o. w. f). The dyeing bath p H value of 6 with Sodium dihydrogen phosphate and Citric acid Solution was adjusted,then silk fabrics was put into dyeing solution when the soaking temperature was60℃. The total time of the dyeing was 30 mins when solution temperature was heated up to 90℃,then the dyeing solution temperature was cooled down to 60℃ and was taken out the fabric into mordant dyeing bath with the 2g / L amount of mordant. Next,the dyeing bath was heated up to 95℃ with the heating rate of 1℃ / min and the dyeing time was 25 mins under the temperature,then it was washed at 60℃ and dried. Four kinds of metal salt mordants such as FeSO_4,Cu SO_4,FeCl_3 and KAl(SO_4)_2 can all enhance the K / S value of silk dyed with tea polyphenols. The dyed silk fabrics possess higher friction fastness,soap washing fastness and the light fastness to sunlight,which generally can reach fourth level or above. At the same time the dyed fabrics also have good anti- UV effect and antibacterial effect. In addition,the dyed silk fabrics using CuSO_4 as mordant obtained the best anti-UV effect while the dyed silk fabrics using KAl( SO_4)_2 as mordant obtained the best antibacterial effect. After being dyed with tea polyphenols and mordants silk fabrics possess better fastness and functionality,which has a good application development prospect.
Shanghai Textile Science & Technology