目的在经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术前 ,用闭管前口区神经阻滞法 ,预防闭孔神经反射。方法经尿道电切膀胱侧壁肿瘤 3 2例 ,随机分两组 (各 1 6例 ) ,Ⅰ组于术前在闭管前口区阻滞闭孔神经 ,Ⅱ组作为对照 ,在闭管内阻滞闭孔神经。结果在Ⅰ组 ,未出现神经反射 ,无并发症。在Ⅱ组 ,有 2例出现神经反射 ,2例并发出血 (各占 1 2 .5 % )。结论闭管前口区阻滞法较闭管内阻滞法方便。
Objective To prevent reflexing of obturator nerve by blocking on anterior aperture of obturator canal befere excision of bladder tumour per urethra.Methods 32 cases of bladder tumour were resected per urethra. The cases were equally divided into 2 groups:① experimental group,in which the obturator nerve was blocked on anterior aperture of obturator canal and ② control group,the nerve blocking was made inside the obturator canal.Results Reflexing of obturator nerve did not occur in experimental group,but in control group there were 2 cases with nervereflexing (12.5%) and 2 cases with bleeding (12.5%).Conclusion Nerveblocking on anterior aperture of obturator canal is more convenient and tried than the nerveblocking inside the obturator canal.
Journal of Xianning Univarsity(medical Sciences)