对由上海电气电站设备有限公司生产的600 MW机组在中国各电厂运行的事故记录进行分析,应用故障矩阵,通过全电站内汽轮机-发电机二大主机各故障部件、事故发生电厂和故障原因归类等5个层次,建立全部机组、全年发生事故的故障树,形成数字化、形象化、完整化的一种表达方式。
By analyzing the accident records of Shanghai Electric Power Generation Equipment Company's 600 MW units in business operation in the domestic market,and applying the fault matrix,a fault tree of all units' accident throughout the year was established by sorting the entire power plant,turbine-generator set,every fault component,accident power plant and malfunction causes into five classes.This is an imaginable,integrated and digital expression of its kind.
Journal of Shanghai Electric Technology