argues that the basic functions ofprice are:(1)to assure the market balance between supply and demand,and(2)tobring about the rationalization of the industrial structure.The effectiveness of theprice mechanism is decided by the stability of the general level of prices as well as bythe flexibility of relative prices.The normative model for the socialist price struc-ture should be a planned market price system;viz.,a market price system guided byplanning.The state should supervise the general level of prices,with market conditionsdetermining actual prices,rather than regulate the relative price for different products.
argues that the basic functions of price are:(1)to assure the market balance between supply and demand,and(2)to bring about the rationalization of the industrial structure.The effectiveness of the price mechanism is decided by the stability of the general level of prices as well as by the flexibility of relative prices.The normative model for the socialist price struc- ture should be a planned market price system;viz.,a market price system guided by planning.The state should supervise the general level of prices,with market conditions determining actual prices,rather than regulate the relative price for different products.