
德语世界社会教育学与社会工作概念发展脉络与相互关系——兼论社会工作的教育学取向 被引量:12

The Development Course and the Relationship between “Social Pedagogy” and “Social Work” in German World——About the Pedagogical Orientation of Social Work
摘要 欧洲大陆德语国家的社会工作与众不同,其独特性首先体现在多个基本概念并存以及社会工作有着鲜明的教育学取向。社会教育学与社会工作概念并存是历史发展的产物,社会教育学最初作为面向儿童青少年和家庭的职业分支领域,是对家庭日益弱化的社会化功能和教育功能所进行的一种补充和替代,而社会工作最初作为面向成人的救助性工作和福利服务工作,是对家庭日益降低的社会保障功能所进行的一种补充和替代。历史上,社会教育学和社会工作是分开发展的、成为两个不同的职业分支领域。社会教育学发展成为一个家庭教育和学校教育之外的第三个独立的教育领域,它与家庭教育和学校教育相辅相成、互为补充。当今,社会教育学和社会工作已趋于交汇和融合,但同时保持其各自独特性。两者的共性在于:个体和家庭的社会化任务由社会和国家承担、两者均致力于减少社会困境。对两者发展脉络和相互关系的分析也显示出:德语国家的社会工作有着鲜明的教育学色彩和取向,当然这一取向基于对现代教育学和广义教育(而非狭义教育)思想的理解。 The social work in continental european german-speaking countries is different.Its uniqueness is embodied firstly in:Several basic concepts exist side by side,social work has a distinct pedagogical orientation.?Social pedagogy' and ?social work' concept is a product of historical development.Social pedagogy primitively as a professional branch for children,adolescent and family,is a kind of complementary and alternative form for the increasingly weakened socialization function and education function of the family,while social work primitively as a curative and welfare service work for the adult,is a kind of complementary and alternative form for the increasingly weakened social security function of the family.Historically,the development of social pedagogy and social work is separated,they become two different branches of professional fields.Social pedagogy has become a third independent education field outside the family education and school education.Social pedagogy,family education and school education complement each other.Today,social pedagogy and social work have converged and fusion,but at the same time maintain their respective uniqueness.Their commonness is that,the socialization task of individuals and family has been borne by the society and the country,both are committed to reducing social dilemma.The analysis of the development course and relationship between both concepts also shows that:The social work in continental european german-speaking countries has a distinct pedagogical orientation,of course this orientation is based on the understanding of modern pedagogy and the ideas of education in the broadest sense(not in a narrow sense of education).
作者 张威
出处 《社会工作》 2016年第6期3-24,124,共23页 Journal of Social Work
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