光合细菌(PSB)法是处理高浓度有机废水的一种比较经济、有效的方法。在多年试验研究的基础上,进行了处理豆制品废水的中试,取得了令人满意的结果。当PSB段进水COD_(Cr)为12000mg/l,BOD_5为8500mg/l,容积负荷4.23kg COD_(Cr)/m^3·d(2.98kg BOD_5/m^3·d)时,PSB段出水COD_(Cr)为817.6mg/l,BOD_5为146.4mg/l,COD_(Cr)去除率93.2%,BOD_5去除率98.3%。同时有较高的脱氮效果。总氮去除率达66.7%。PSB段的出水与淡有机废水以1∶4相混和,通过好氧处理,可达排放标准。处理过程中得到的PSB污泥营养丰富,含蛋白质40%以上,用作鸡饲料添加剂使产蛋率和总蛋重增加,有较大的利用价值。
Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) process is one of the economic and effective method for treating high concentrated organic wastewater, based on several years research a pilot scale experiment for treating soybean products wastewater has been made, and saticfactory results were achived. The results showed that COD_(Cr) and BOD_5 content of PSB stage of the influent were 12,000 mg/l and 8, 500 mg/l respectively; volame load was 4.23 kgCOD_(Cr)/m^3.d (2.98kg BOD_5/m^3.d), and COD_(Cr) and BOD_5 content of PSB stage of the effluent reached 871.6mg/l and 1416.4mg/l, the removal percentage of COD_(Cr) and BOD_5 were 93.2% and 98.3% respectively. It also showed its high nitrogen removal efficiency, the total removal percentage reached 66.7%。 When the effluent of PSB stage was mixed with low concentrated organic wastewater in radio of about 1:4, then treated with aerobic process, the final effluent could acheive discharge limitations. PSB sludge produced from PSB treatment process contained high nutrient, protein content was more than 40%, it could he used as a fowl forage addition.
Shanghai Environmental Sciences