

Self-Rescue Under the Heavy Burden of Impact Factor: The Deep Reasons for Journals’ Citation Stacking in Brazil ——An Empirical Study of Nature(7)
摘要 2013年,巴西四家医学期刊因建立'互引同盟'提升影响因子遭汤森路透镇压,被排除出SCI期刊之外,此事经Nature杂志报道引起广泛关注。论文对这一事件的过程及原委进行了深入考察,得出结论认为:'互引联盟'背后更深层的原因,是巴西期刊界在抵抗该国教育部2009年学术评价新规无果的情形下,部分期刊被迫掀起的一场集体自救行动。论文进而对巴西学术评价新规实施成效进行了评估,相关结果深刻反映出:以巴西为典型的第三世界国家在完全丧失学术评价话语权的情形下,本国学术期刊建设将堕入灾难性的深渊。 In 2013,four Brazilian medical journals were excluded from SCI journals because of the suppression of Thomson Reuters for the establishment of a'citation stacking'to enhance their impact factors.This event attracted great attention from the international community after being reported by Nature.This paper made an in-depth investigation and drew a thought-provoking conclusion that the reason behind the'citation cartel'was a collective'self-rescue'action initiated by some journals in Brazil to their fruitless resistance to the new academic evaluation rules of the Brazil Education Department in 2009.It then evaluated the effectiveness of the implementation of the new rules on academic evaluation in Brazil.The results indicate that the construction of domestic academic journals in a typical third world country like Brazil who has no say in academic evaluation will fall into a passive situation and has to face the devastating consequences it caused.
作者 穆蕴秋 江晓原 Mu Yunqiu;Jiang Xiaoyuan(School of History and Culture of Science,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期46-56,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 上海市“浦江人才计划项目(C类)”资助(项目编号:17PJC063)
关键词 影响因子 SCI(科学引用索引) 期刊自引 互引联盟 impact factor Science Citation Index(SCI) self-citation of journals citation stacking
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