One hundred and ninety eight cases of acromegaly were reviewed.The diseaseoccurred most frequently in the third and fourth decades,the youngest being 11 yearsof the age and the oldest 59 years old.The ratio of male to female was 1.4:1.Oralglucose tolerance tests were performed in 115 cases,of which 58 were diagnosed asdiabetes mellitus and 11 showed impaired glucose tolerance.Elevation of serum pho-sphorus was found in about 80% of the cases.Roentgenogram of the skull revealedenlargement of the sella turcica in 84.2% of the patients.Surgical ablation of thepituitary tumor was performed in 37 cases.52 cases were treated with pituitaryirradiation alone.The others were treated with irradiation combined with drugtherapy.In most of the cases,the symptoms were alleviated and the visual impairmentWas improved.
Shanghai Medical Journal