A previous observation suggested that Change of the hemodynamics and constituents of bloodwas one of the mechanisms of blue purple tongueformation.This report deals with a furtherhemorrheologic study of various patterns oftongue substance proper in 74 patients withtypical light colored,crimson and blue purpletongues.91% of the patients with light-coloredtongues and lower value of hemotocrit and20% of the patients with blue purple tongueshad higher value of hematocrit.The value ofplasma viscosity increased(9.1%)only incrimson tongues.The value of plasma fibrinogenin 45.5% of the patients with crimson tongueswas higher than normal.As for the group withblue purple tongues the value of hematocrit,whole blood viscosity and erythrocytic electro-phoresis time were the highest while therythrocyte sedimentation rate was the lowest.Possible mechanisms of these three types oftongue were further discussed.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine