

Variation of Boiling Point with Salting Effect in Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium
摘要 测定了在恒压(100.0kPa)条件下若干含盐双液系(甲醇-水,乙醇-水,正丙醇-水)的沸点变化.实验结果表明引起溶液沸点降低 反常现象"发生的必要条件是易挥发组分被盐析或难挥发组分被盐溶.经热力学分析表明上述实验结果是一个具有普遍意义的结论. The influence of some nonvolatile salts on boiling point of methanolwater, ethanolwater and npropanolwater systems was determined at fixed liquid composition and given pressure (100.0 kPa). The experimental results indicate that the requisite of boiling point depression is that the more volatile component must be salted out, the less volatile component must be salted in. This conclusion, based on thermodynamical consideration, can be taken as a universal rule that governs the variation of boiling point when a little nonvolatile salt dissolves in liquid mixture with constant composition.
出处 《化学研究》 CAS 2003年第3期13-17,共5页 Chemical Research
基金 TheprojectofeducationcommitteeofHenanProvince(No .2 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 8) .
关键词 汽液平衡 盐效应 沸点 液体混合物 热力学分析 salt salt effect boiling point liquid mixture
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