
关于设立5·12汶川地震受害者补偿基金的建议——从美国9·11受害者补偿基金制度中获得的启示 被引量:3

Some Opinions about Creating the May 12th Earthquake Victim Compensation Fund——What We Could Learn from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
摘要 在5·12灾后恢复重建过程中,地震受害者损害赔偿问题不能忽视。美国9·11受害者补偿基金制度是一项介于行政程序与司法程序之间的准司法制度,虽然存在一些法理上的争议,但它有效地解决了受害者的诉求,挽救了濒临破产的美国航空业和保险业,化解了美国政府的政治危机。中国5·12汶川地震受害者通过应急救助体系获得了一定程度的社会救助、抚恤和抚慰,但仍然存在较多的个性化诉求。中国可以在一定程度上借鉴美国9·11补偿基金模式,建立5·12汶川地震受害者补偿基金,为受害者设计一个兜底性质的补偿方案。5·12补偿基金及其分配方案,由行政部门会商审判机关制定,并由审判机关组建的特别法庭进行个案终局裁决和执行。这一机制的建立,将为受害人遭受的经济与非经济损害提供及时、便捷的补偿,弥补保险业功能不足,挽救面临大规模诉讼风险的建筑、教育和医疗等特定行业,缓解社会矛盾,维持社会秩序稳定,并维护中国的法治形象。 During the reconstruction process after the occurrence of China 5·12 earthquake,the issue of compensation for the quake victims should be handled seriously.The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 created a sui generis conflation of administrative and judicial regime.The fund has aroused doctrinal debates,however through the fund,the demands of the victims have been satisfied,the airline industry and insurance industry have been saved from bankruptcy and the U.S.A.government has been rescued from the political crisis.To some extent,the emergent relief system has offered assistance to the victims of China 5?12 quake,yet the victims still have potential claims individually.It is better for China to learn from the experience of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and create the May 12th Victim Compensation Fund,which has to play a role of the final compensational resort.Administrative agencies and courts shall work cooperatively to set the rules for the creation of the May 12th Victim Compensation Fund and its distribution.Special court should be established to solve the disputes over the operation of the fund.The May 12th Victim Compensation Fund will compensate the economic and noneconomic loss of the victims expediently,overcome the limits of the functions the insurance industry could play,insulate the construction industry,educational organizations and hospitals from the massive litigation,alleviate the social conflicts,maintain the social order,and safeguard the Chinese government the image of rule of law.
作者 易继明
出处 《私法》 2010年第1期67-92,共26页 Private Law Review
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(2008-2010年)支持
关键词 9·11受害者补偿基金 损害赔偿 5·12受害者补偿基金若干建议 the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 damages the May 12th Victim Compensation Fund some opinions
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