
论我国最后贷款人制度的法律完善——兼谈中国人民银行的核心角色 被引量:1

摘要 在现代中央银行体系中,最后贷款人已经成为中央银行的核心角色。货币政策功能、金融监管功能以及中央银行独立性的要求则是现代中央银行最后贷款人制度变迁过程的发展与延续,是中央银行充当最后贷款人角色的手段和保障。然而,中国人民银行的核心角色并非金融系统的最后贷款人,而是制定和执行作为政府宏观调控工具的货币政策,这使得我国法律与经济实践中对最后贷款人制度存在着诸多误读。本文通过从中央银行核心角色的制度变迁视角解析最后贷款人制度,在分析中国人民银行的职能异化、最后贷款人角色错位、金融法律存在漏洞等中国人民银行最后贷款人角色履行过程中存在问题的基础上,力图呈现我国最后贷款人制度的应然面貌,并对《中国人民银行法》中最后贷款人制度的法律完善提出初步的构想。 In the modern central bank system,lender of last resort has become the core role of central bank.Monetary policy functions,financial regulation functions,as well as the requirements for the independence of central bank is the outcome of lender of last resort system’s changes and development,also acts as a protection toll for the role of central bank as lender of last resort.However,the core role in People’s Bank of China(PBC)is not a lender of last resort for the financial system,but as a tool for the government’s macroeconomic regulation and control about the formulation and implementation of monetary policy,which makes us have a lot of misreading about the lender of last resort system in our legal and economic practice.From system changes about the core role of central bank the analysis of lender of last resort system,based on the analysis about the alienation of PBC’s functions,the dislocation of the role of lender of last resort,the law and financial loopholes etc,the aim of this paper is to reveal the original content for lender of last resort system,and give some suggestions for the improvement of Law on the People’s Bank of China.
作者 常健
出处 《私法》 2013年第1期129-152,共24页 Private Law Review
关键词 中央银行独立性 最后贷款人 金融监管 Independence of Central-Bank Lender of Last Resort Financial Regulation
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