

On the Definition of “Confucian Businessman”:Benevolence,Righteousness,Creative Creativity and Credential of Businessman
摘要 谈到儒商,明末至有清所谓'古者四民异业而同道'、'虽终日作买卖,不害其为圣为贤'、'士商异术而同心'等说法常被提及。但从历史发展观之,并非这些说法,而是清末自强运动后的商战之论,才对商人地位提升发挥了实际作用。再从思想融贯性来看,以上说法如何与孔孟义利之辨的说法兼容也是一个问题。论者提供'利以义制'、'义利存乎心'的诠释,指出义利之别的关键在于正当或不当求利。正当求利,则义在其中;反之,则为利欲熏心。惜未进而说明:正当求利与否的判准何在?为解决上述问题,本文借助孔孟对仁、义、利的阐释,以及《易传》'生生'的概念,予以现代的诠释,以界定何谓'儒商'。首先,孔孟虽强调义利之辨,却不主张'义利互斥',而是'义先于利'。从孔子'己立立人,己达达人'的命题来看,'利以义制'可解释为互利互惠。例如,企业家透过员工制造产品,而从中获利,此为己利己达;给予员工良好薪资待遇,商品也为消费者带来便利或快乐,则为立人达人。此命题更高层次表现乃'以利行仁'。其意涵为企业家运用所累积的财富而帮助别人,如赈灾济贫。'生生'则定义为各种正面价值的不断创造、创新与提升。商品与服务的不断发明与改良,即是一种正面价值的创造与提升,是则从商与成德同为儒家生生精神之现代表征。综上所述,儒商乃力求商品与服务的不断改良、创新,同时做到'利以义制'、'以利行仁'的企业家。若以日常用语来说:不断创新、互利互惠、注资公益即是儒商定义。 When it comes to the concept of "Confucian Businessman",one of the crucial issues is how to make it fit within the framework of Confucianism. For instance, how is it possible that we negotiate the seeming contradiction between profit incentive and the exhortation of "righteousness over profit and benefit"(义利之辨)uttered by Confucius and Mencius. There are some who try to tackle it by proposing new interpretations like"profit made in the right way"(利以义制)and "distinction between righteousness and selfishness lies in motivation, not profession"(义利存乎心).What lie at the heart of these statements is the idea that rightness in the way we make a profit holds the key to bridging profit incentive and righteousness. They nevertheless fail to provide an explanation regarding how to define the right way to make a profit. In addition, the differences between self-cultivation and business management also emphatically separate the endeavor of Confucianism from that of businessmen. This article attempts to give a definition of what a Confucian businessman is by referring to Confucius’ and Mencius’ discourses on "benevolence’(仁),"righteousness"(义),as well as to "creative creativity"(生生)in Commentary on the Book of Change. First, according to both Confucius and Mencius, "righteousness over profit and benefit" does not entail the incompatibility between the two sides. It in effect implies the priority of righteousness over profit or benefit, which holds that the pursuit of profit should not come at the expense of righteousness. Rightness in the way we make a profit is, therefore, reified in mutually beneficial relationship between employer and employee,and between businessman and customer. What is more, when businessmen use his wealth to aid to those in need,such practice of "profit for public benefit" is exactly one of the manifestations of benevolence, which is in line with the spirit of Confucianism. In terms of the professional discrepancy between Confucianists and businessmen, the common denominator can be found in the new interpretation of creative creativity, that is, positive value creation by means of continuous improvement and innovation. Businessmen who consistently strive to improve their products or services according to the highest standards definitely make the cut. In sum, building a mutually beneficial relationship with others,using wealth to help those in need, and consistent improvement of products or services can be seen as the characteristics of Confucian businessman.
作者 张子立
出处 《思想与文化》 CSSCI 2017年第2期193-212,共20页 Thought & Culture
关键词 义利之辨 利以义制 以利行仁 生生 道德修养 价值创造 righteousness over profit and benefit profit made in the right way profit for public benefit creative creativity moral cultivation value creation
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