

To Find the Way of Inner Sageliness and Outer Kingliness in Zhuangzi:A Book Review on Professor Chen Yun’s The Spirit of Zhuangzi
摘要 陈赟教授的《庄子哲学的精神》是一部关于庄子哲学的论文集,全书共八章,每章各有论旨,形式上看似无系统性,实质上有着一贯性与整体性。该书始于内圣外王,终于与化为体,“化”构成了该书的潜在中心词。陈教授通过“万化”、“造化”、“大化”等的分析,指出“化”不仅意味着存在的本身,而且也是存在的方式。如果说以“化”为机制的生命政治之运作是该书之“显言”,那么作为一种思想事业的“深度诠释”则是该书之“隐言”。“深度诠释”极其注重文本与历史,并由历史深处的文化形式更新、转换当代。由此,陈书解读下的《庄子》成为了整个中国思想与文化在当代进行自我表达的“活文本”。一个更全面、更具厚重感的《庄子》被展现出来了,可以预见到陈书将是日后研究《庄子》的重要参考材料。 The Spirit of Zhuangzi written by Professor Chen Yun is the paper collection on Zhuangzi philosophy.The whole book consists of eight chapters.Each chapter looks like lacking systematic,but in fact there is a strong logic among each chapter.The book begins in inner sageliness and outer kingliness and concludes on the"hua"as an ontological category,so that"hua",this concept,becomes the core word of this book.Prof.Chen thinks"hua"is not only being itself,but the way of being through the conceptual analysis of"universe"(zaohua or dahua)and"thing-in-itself"(wanhua).If the explicatures of this book is the way of life and politics,the implicatures of that is deep interpretation as the cause of thought.The deep interpretation as also a research method centers on the detailed analysis of text and the interpretation of history and updates or changes the modern times through the cultural form of history.So,Zhungzi interpreted by Prof.Chen becomes the"living text"which the whole Chinese thought and culture expresses itself in modern times.The deep thought of Zhuangzi is shown fully and deeply,so that it can be foreseen that the book will be an important material the researchers study Zhuangzi.
作者 郑随心 Zheng Suixin
出处 《思想与文化》 CSSCI 2018年第1期302-313,共12页 Thought & Culture
基金 中国人民大学2018年度研究生科学研究项目课题“庄子的身体观研究——先秦思想史视域下的对比考察”(项目编号:18XNH119)
关键词 《庄子哲学的精神》 内圣外王 与化为体 深度诠释 The Spirit of Zhuangzi inner sageliness and outer kingliness Yu Hua Wei Ti deep interpretation
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