目的 了解司法鉴定中精神病患者反复上访原因。方法 对诊断为无精神病者与诊断为精神病偏执型人格障碍、偏执性精神病、精神分裂症者的上访诱因、动机、目的、内容、时间、形式、有否过激行为等进行比较。结果 上访诱因、动机、目的等方面以生活、工作、经济问题为主;上访时间以患病5-20a者居多,共33例(71.73%);上访者中有过激行为者21例(45.65%)。结论 精神病患者上访者中以偏执型人格障碍、偏执性精神病、精神分裂症居多,其特点与正常人有所区别。这就要求政府部门在接待上访者及处理上访问题时,应加以严格区分并正确、合理解决上访要求,以免产生不良的社会问题。
Objective To understand the appeal causes of patients with psychosis in forensic expertise. Methods Compared psychosis appealants with no - psychosis appealants in the aspect of predisoping cause, motivation, aim, content, time etc. Results The predisposing cause, motivation and aim of appealants mainly lied on life, job and economy questions . Conclusion The character of appealants with psychosis was different form that of normal persons. Government department coping with appealants should differate seriously and solve their demand reasonly to avoid bad social questions.
Journal of Clinical Psychosomatic Diseases