Objectives.: To evaluate the efficacy of self-collected vaginal samples for high-risk HPV detection by the HPV oligonucleotide microarray method(HPVDNAChipTM). Me-thods.: One hundred and eighteen patients with abnormal Pap smears were included. Self-collected vaginal and clinician-collected cervical samples for HPV testing were obtained. The result of the HPV DNA test was compared with the histopathological diagnosis or colposcopic finding. Results.: Of the 118 patients, 42(35.6%) had ≥cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) III lesions. Using the HPVDNAChipTM, high-risk types of HPV were detected in 38 of these 42 patients(90.5%) with the self-collected vaginal samples and in 37 of 42(88.1%) with the clini-cian-collected cervical samples. The agreement of HPVDNAchip TM results between self-and clinician-collected samples was very good(κ=0.81) with a 93.2%concordance rate. Multiple HPV infections were found in 17 of 88(19.3%)-HPV-positive clinician-collected cervical samples. The rate of multiple HPV infection tended to decrease as the degree of pathologic classification increased. Conclusion.: Using the HPVDNAchipTM to assay for HPV infection, results from selfcollected vaginal samples were compatible with those from clinician-collected cervical samples.
Objectives.: To evaluate the efficacy of self-collected vaginal samples for high-risk HPV detection by the HPV oligonucleotide microarray method(HPVDNAChipTM). Me-thods.: One hundred and eighteen patients with abnormal Pap smears were included. Self-collected vaginal and clinician-collected cervical samples for HPV testing were obtained. The result of the HPV DNA test was compared with the histopathological diagnosis or colposcopic finding. Results.: Of the 118 patients, 42(35.6%) had ≥cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) III lesions. Using the HPVDNAChipTM, high-risk types of HPV were detected in 38 of these 42 patients(90.5%) with the self-collected vaginal samples and in 37 of 42(88.1%) with the clini-cian-collected cervical samples. The agreement of HPVDNAchip TM results between self-and clinician-collected samples was very good(κ=0.81) with a 93.2%concordance rate. Multiple HPV infections were found in 17 of 88(19.3%)-HPV-positive clinician-collected cervical samples. The rate of multiple HPV infection tended to decrease as the degree of pathologic classification increased. Conclusion.: Using the HPVDNAchipTM to assay for HPV infection, results from selfcollected vaginal samples were compatible with those from clinician-collected cervical samples.