

Nocturnal polyuria after lumbar disc herniation surgery
摘要 76岁男性患者,夜尿频多,平素有易疲倦乏力、畏寒怕冷、稍劳则累、腰部酸软、舌紫暗苔白、脉沉细弱等症状,诊为夜尿频多症,证属肾阳虚。治疗采用腰骶部督灸。术者沿患者中枢穴至腰俞穴做"十"字标记,将督灸粉沿所做标记均匀撒成一条直线,将桑皮纸中线对准药线平铺于治疗部位,之上堆放姜泥,用压舌板挤压抹平,成上窄下宽梯形状,中间压槽。按长轴方向,顺势摆放艾炷,头尾相接,分上端、中端、下端三处点燃,一壮燃尽换另一壮,共3壮。1次/周,4次为一疗程,连续治疗2个疗程。结果:督灸2个疗程后,患者述夜尿次数为0-1次,0-350 mL/夜,偶有疲倦乏力,无畏寒怕冷。继续腰骶部督灸1次/2周,至2018年6月夜尿次数均正常。腰骶部督灸可改善患者肾阳不足、肾气亏虚、术后体弱、下焦虚寒症状,温通经脉,促进气血循环,缩短脑脊液正常循环恢复时间,尽早营养马尾神经同时减轻水肿对马尾神经压迫,可有效治疗腰突症术后肾阳虚型夜尿频多。 A male patient with seventy-six years old, frequent urination at night, lassitude, aversion to cold, feeling tired easily on exertion, soreness and weakness in the lumbar region, dark and purplish tongue with white coating, deep, thread and rapid pulse. Diagnosis: nocturnal polyuria. Syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine: kidney yang deficiency. In treatment, the Du-moxibustion(moxibustion along the Governor vessel) was adopted in the lumbosacral region. A number of cross marks were marked along Zhōngshū(中枢GV 7) to Yaoshù(腰俞 GV 2). Herbal powder for the Du-moxibustion was put evenly and straightly from GV 7 to GV 2 along the cross marks. The mulberry bark paper was put flatly over the treating region with the folded midline of the paper matching the powder line and the ginger paste was placed on the paper and flatted with the tongue depressor as a trapezium. A groove was pressed on the ginger paste, And moxa was put inside. The upper, middle and lower sites of the moxa were ignited for moxibustion,when the moxa was burnt out then new moxa was replaced. Totally,the moxa was changed 3 times in one treatment. The treatment was given once a week, and 4 treatments as one course. After 2-course Du-moxibustion, the frequency of nocturnal urination was 0-1 time,0-350 mL a night. The patient had lassitude and fatigue occasionally and had no aversion to cold. The treatment was given once every two weeks on the lumbosacral region until the urine frequency was normal at night. The Du-moxibustion improves in kidney yang deficiency, kidney qi deficiency, post-operative body weakness and the deficiency cold of the lower Jiao. This therapy warms the meridian, promotes qi and blood circulation, shortens the recovery time of the normal circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid and nourishes cauda equina as well as alleviates the pressure to cauda equina due to edema. This therapy effectively treats nocturnal polyuria of kidney yang deficiency after lumbar disc herniation surgery.
作者 张琼琼 赵金蕾 刘平 刘源香 Qiong-qiong ZHANG;Jin-lei ZHAO;Ping LIU;Yuan-xiang LIU(College of acupuncture and massage,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,jinan 250355,ShandongProvince,Ch ina;Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355, Shandong Province,China)
出处 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2018年第4期300-302,315,共4页 世界针灸杂志(英文版)
基金 Supported by grant of Shandong Key Research and Development Program:2017GSF19116~~
关键词 腰骶部 督灸 腰椎间盘突出 微创术 夜尿频多 Lumbosacral region Du-moxibustion Lumbar disc herniation Minimally invasive surgery Nocturnal polyuria
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