
南阳野生乌头整株植物不同部位的生物碱和多糖含量比较研究 被引量:1

Comparison of Alkaloids and Polysaccharides in Different Parts of Wild Aconitum in Nanyang
摘要 目的:比较野生南阳乌头整株植物不同部位的生物碱和多糖含量差异,探究南阳野生乌头地上部分和须根的药用价值。方法:采用HPLC法检测南阳野生乌头、南阳野生附子、须根、地上部位中3种单酯型生物碱、3种双酯型生物碱含量;采用蒽酮-浓硫酸法分光光度法检测南阳野生乌头、南阳野生附子、须根、地上部位中多糖含量。结果:南阳野生乌头整株植物4个部位中,3种单酯型生物碱含量由高到低依次为:南阳野生乌头>南阳野生附子>须根>地上部分(P <0.05),3种双酯型生物碱含量由高到低依次为:南阳野生附子>须根>南阳野生乌头>地上部分(P <0.05),总生物碱含量由高到低依次为:南阳野生附子>须根>南阳野生乌头>地上部分(P <0.05),多糖含量由高到低依次为:南阳野生附子>南阳野生乌头>地上部分>须根(P <0.05)。结论:本实验对南阳野生乌头、南阳野生附子、须根、地上部分生物碱和多糖成分进行检测,为须根和地上部分的药用价值提供了科学依据。 Objective: Comparison of alkaloid and polysaccharides content in different parts of whole plant of wild aconitum in Nanyang, and to explore the medicinal value of aboveground part and fibrous root of wild aconitum in Nanyang. Methods: The contents of three monoester alkaloids, three diester alkaloids in wild aconitum, radix aconiti carmichaeli, fibrous root and aboveground parts in Nanyang were determined by HPLC method;The content of crude polysaccharides was determined by sulfuric-phenol method, crude polysaccharides content from different tissues of wild aconitum in Nanyang in different harvest time was compared, including wild aconitum in Nanyang, wild radix aconiti carmichaeli in Nanyang, fibrous root, aboveground part. Results: Among the 4 parts of the wild Aconitum in Nanyang, the contents of 3 mono ester alkaloids rang from high to low: wild aconitum in Nanyang > wild radix aconiti carmichaeli in Nanyang > fibrous root> aboveground part(P < 0.05), the contents of three diester alkaloids rang from high to low: wild radix aconiti carmichaeli in Nanyang > fibrous root > wild aconitum in Nanyang > aboveground part(P < 0.05), the order of total alkaloid content from high to low is: wild radix aconiti carmichaeli in Nanyang > fibrous root > wild aconitum in Nanyang > aboveground part(P < 0.05), The content of crudepolysaccharides in different tissues of wild aconitum in Nanyang were in the sequence of wild radix aconiti carmichaeli in Nanyang > wild aconitum in Nanyang > aboveground part > fibrous root(P < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study,an attempt was made to explore the differences of 6 kind salkaloid content in different parts of whole plant of wild aconitum in Nanyang, which provided scientific basis for the medicinal value of the fibrous roots and the aboveground parts.
作者 孙美玲 张荳 杨硕 彭诗涛 宋肖桦 刘鹏 杜红 李飞 胡慧华 Sun Meiling;Zhang Dou;Yang Shuo;Peng Shitao;Song Xiaohua;Liu Peng;Du Hong;Li Fei;Hu Huihua(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China)
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2231-2236,共6页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 北京市自然科学基金委中药炮制基础研究项目(7162120):基于物质基础的张仲景经方中附子炮制及应用的科学内涵研究 负责人:李飞 国家自然科学基金委面上基金项目(81774004):TRPV1通道介导的蒙药诃子制草乌"减毒存效"炮制原理研究 负责人:杜红
关键词 野生附子 野生乌头 须根 地上部分 生物碱 多糖 Wild radix aconiti carmichaeli Wild aconitum Fibrous roots Aboveground parts Alkaloids Polysaccharides
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