

The Experience and Significance of Chinese Government’s Active Response to WTO Shock
摘要 中国加入WTO已逾18个年头,而当下WTO也正面临着其发展历史上'百年未有之大变局'。回顾WTO研究在中国学术界的影响、分析中国入世与主要经济指标的关联关系以及中国政府应对WTO冲击的经验可以发现,当年的入世并没有对中国经济造成严重的负面冲击,相反,却成为中国经济再一次腾飞与发展的良好契机。这并不意味着WTO为代表的国际贸易俱乐部是一个没有效力和约束力的国际组织,而是证明了中国所开创的政府主导型应对外部冲击的模式,对于抵御诸如WTO这样的外来经济冲击发挥了至关重要的作用,这对于我国成功应对新时期国际政治经济形势逆转、贸易保护主义抬头乃至针对中国的经贸摩擦同样具有很强的借鉴意义。 18 years has passed since China’s entry into WTO,and WTO also experienced an unparalleled reform in past 100 years in its history.After reflecting the history of China’s entry of the WTO and its impact in Chinese academics,analyzing the relationship between the entry of WTO and the major economic indicators,recalling Chinese governmental response and its experiences and lessons,this paper finds that the accession didn’t pose a heavy shock on Chinese economy but rather provided another opportunity for China to take off and develop.This doesn’t mean that the WTO is an ineffective or unbinding international trade club or international organization,but proves that the pattern of so-called government-dominated policy response on the shock initiated by China played an key role in dealing with the external shock like WTO which is also a useful experience for China to deal with trade war or the reversal of international political and economic trend.
作者 赵红军 ZHAO Hong-jun(Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《上海对外经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期5-15,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
基金 2018年国家社科基金一般课题“改革开放四十年中国发展治理的经济学贡献与世界影响”(项目编号:18BJL003) 2017年上海市哲学社会科学基金课题“‘中国经济奇迹’中的政府治理作用研究”(项目编号:2017BHB016)资助
关键词 WTO 入世冲击 中国经济发展 政府管理 China’s accession of WTO the shock of WTO China economic development governmental governance
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