
美国承认执行ICSID仲裁裁决的立法与实践评析 被引量:1

An Analysis of U.S. Legislation and Practice on Recognition and Enforcement of ICSID Arbitral Awards
摘要 美国承认执行ICSID仲裁裁决的国内法依据包括《解决投资争端公约法案》和《外国主权豁免法案》。依据美国目前的相关司法实践,ICSID仲裁裁决胜诉方应向哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院提出承认执行申请,向被告送达传票和诉状是必经程序。美国在ICSID仲裁裁决的执行问题上是适用限制豁免原则的。用于商业活动的他国财产在一定情形下不得享受豁免。我国投资者去美国寻求ICSID仲裁裁决的承认执行应确保符合上述要求。作为《解决国家与他国国民间投资争议公约》缔约国,我国政府应明确表明履行公约项下义务的立场,尽快指定承认执行ICSID仲裁裁决的主管法院或机构,明确相关程序规则,完善有关国家豁免的规定。 In the United States,the enforcement of an ICSID arbitral award is governed by the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.According to the case law,the federal district court for the District of Columbia has exclusive jurisdiction over actions and proceedings to enforce ICSID arbitral awards.Moreover,the requirement of service of process must be satisfied.The property of a foreign sovereign used for a commercial activity in the U.S.shall not be immune from execution of ICSID arbitral awards under certain circumstances.Chinese investors in aim of enforcement of ICSID arbitral awards in the U.S.should make sure that all of the above requirements are satisfied.As a member of ICSID,Chinese government should make clear its intention to fulfill its obligations under the convention,designate the competent court or other authority to recognize and enforce ICSID arbitral awards,formulate the procedural rules,and improve the rules of sovereign immunity.
作者 宋俊荣 SONG Jun-rong(Shanghai University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201701,China)
出处 《上海对外经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期73-87,共15页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
基金 上海市法学高原学科国际法方向资助
关键词 国际投资争端解决中心(ICSID) 承认与执行 仲裁裁决 投资仲裁 ICSID recognition and enforcement arbitral award investment arbitrion
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