Erythema elevatumdiutinum(EED) is a chronic cutaneous vasculitis occurring in association with a variety of conditions including autoimmunity, infectious dise ase, and hematological abnormalities. The role of associated medical problems is controversial, and the exact pathogenesis of EED is unknown. A series of six ca ses is reported. The typical clinical presentation was that of erythematous papu les and plaques involving the extensor surfaces of the extremities. Histological ly, a spectrum from leukocytoclastic vasculitis to vessel occlusion and dermal f ibrosis was seen. The lesio ns of EED have many mimics clinically and histologically. Establishing the diagn osis of EED is important so appropriate screening for associated conditions can ensue. The vascular endothelium of EED stains positive for CD31, CD34, VEGF, and factor Villa and negative for factor XIIIa, TGFB, and LANA, a reaction pattern that does not distinguish it from similar appearing lesions. Thus, the chronic a nd recurrent nature of EED is the primary means of distinguishing it from entiti es that are clinically and histologically similar.
Erythema elevatumdiutinum(EED) is a chronic cutaneous vasculitis occurring in association with a variety of conditions including autoimmunity, infectious dise ase, and hematological abnormalities. The role of associated medical problems is controversial, and the exact pathogenesis of EED is unknown. A series of six ca ses is reported. The typical clinical presentation was that of erythematous papu les and plaques involving the extensor surfaces of the extremities. Histological ly, a spectrum from leukocytoclastic vasculitis to vessel occlusion and dermal f ibrosis was seen. The lesio ns of EED have many mimics clinically and histologically. Establishing the diagn osis of EED is important so appropriate screening for associated conditions can ensue. The vascular endothelium of EED stains positive for CD31, CD34, VEGF, and factor Villa and negative for factor XIIIa, TGFB, and LANA, a reaction pattern that does not distinguish it from similar appearing lesions. Thus, the chronic a nd recurrent nature of EED is the primary means of distinguishing it from entiti es that are clinically and histologically similar.