At present, many colleges and universities are equipped with threedimensional animation professional, and according to the different types of applications, it is related to such as 3DMax, Maya, Cinema4 D and other software. At the same time, the basic courses of the profession will involve modeling. There are many kinds of methods of 3D modeling, from the basic body in Polygon to three-dimensional graphic conversion, setting out from the Nurbs extrusion editor to two of the mutual conversion and so on. No matter which method, it is from the point of view of the wiring structure to comply with certain rules. In many years of teaching, it was summarized during the process of a 3D animation teaching method, through a detailed analysis of different wiring structure modesl of wiring to discuss what the most appropriate model is. At the same time, I try to analyze the current game animation industry on the requirements of model making and the future development trend, and it derived a little thinking on how to teach threedimensional animation professional courses.