It is only in the last two decades that the existence and range of a'Christian literature'in the early twentieth century has been re-established beyond doubt by Chinese scholars.However,the relationship between late Qing and Republican Christian literatures is still under-studied,despite a rethink in the relationship between secular late Qing and May Fourth literatures.The abundance of pedagogical and devotional texts written to build up the church in the late Qing,often by western missionaries,seemed to offer a different type of form and process than the literary endeavours of later fiction writers.This article suggests,however,that we may need to think more in terms of continuity,because the multiplicity of forms in which'the bible'appeared in the late Qing did not suddenly disappear in 1919,and because the late Qing producers of parabiblical texts were not just readers of the bible,but were in effect writers of it too.The paper takes a closer look at William Henry Medhurst’s'Shengjing shiji'(1846)and John Winn Quarterman’s'Shengjing tuji'(1855)to suggest how we might rethink the relationship between late Qing and Republican Christian literatures.The second part of this paper considers the field of Chinese Christian literature in the early twentieth century.Scholars have produced biographical studies of authors;chronological studies of'periods'of responses to scripture;and thematic studies of biblical tropes,but there is further scope for questioning how we find an appropriate literary means of discussing written reactions to scripture in the Republic.The interplay between theology and literary form is probed through literary technique,using three well-known fictional texts from the 1920s and 1930s,to see how form itself becomes a literary and theological tool and provides a means for discussing both.
ChloeSTARR(Yale Divinity School,USA)
Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature
late Qing Christian literature
May Fourth Christian Literature
rewriting scripture