Conjoined twins are rare, heteropagus conjoined twins are rarer, and epigastri c heteropagus conjoined twins are rarer still. It refers to unequal and asymmetr ical twinning in which the dependant component (parasite) is smaller and attache d to the epigastrium of the dominant component (autosite). We report 3 cases of epigastric heteropagus conjoined twinning. A review of literature is presented a long with a discussion of possible etiopathogenesis.
Conjoined twins are rare, heteropagus conjoined twins are rarer, and epigastri c heteropagus conjoined twins are rarer still. It refers to unequal and asymmetr ical twinning in which the dependant component (parasite) is smaller and attache d to the epigastrium of the dominant component (autosite). We report 3 cases of epigastric heteropagus conjoined twinning. A review of literature is presented a long with a discussion of possible etiopathogenesis.