近几年来,国外关于黑暗三人格(the Dark Triad,DT)的研究在不断发展,但在国内一直没有适合用来测量黑暗三人格的量表.该研究引进了测量黑暗三人格的Short-D3量表,把它翻译成中文,并对它进行信效度分析.根据结果修订形成了包括3个维度、20道题的Short-D3中文版.
In recent years,the study of the Dark Triad has made great progress beyond seas,but there wasn't the appropriate questionnaire of the Dark Triad in China.The study introduced the shortD3 to measure the Dark Triad,translated it into Chinese and surveyed the Reliability and Validity of Short-D3 in China for the first time.There were 3factors and 20 items in the Short-D3.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition