
首届国医大师治疗痹证学术思想与临床经验撷要 被引量:10

Summary on Academic Thoughts and Clinical Theory of Bi Syndrome of the First National Medicine Masters
摘要 应用检索式检索CNKI文献数据库中,首届国医大师治疗痹证的全部论文,经过数据处理、文献入库、关键词提取及频数统计、网络可视化等方法,探讨国医大师治疗痹证遣方用药及选穴规律,从而为临床治疗痹证提供建议。30位国医大师发表治疗痹证文章的共13人,文献中涉及痹证辨治的典籍达75种之多,其中《金匮要略》《伤寒论》《黄帝内经》《本草纲目》《类证治裁》《神农本草经》为国医大师治痹引用较多的典籍。朱良春国医大师的痹通汤为文献中方剂频次最高的方剂,经典方剂黄芪桂枝五物汤、桂枝芍药知母汤、桂枝附子汤、乌头汤、独活寄生汤等均为国医大师治痹文献中的高频方剂,桂枝、当归、蜂房、甘草、黄芪、薏苡仁、全蝎、白芍是国医大师治疗痹证的常用中药。程莘农、贺普仁两位大师注重补肾祛风通络,兼以调气和血,惯以针灸治痹,阿是穴、命门、大椎、肾俞是临床两位大师常用高频穴位。 Papers on Bi syndrome written by first National Medicine Masters were retrieved from CNKI. Methods of data processing,paper inclusion,key words extraction and frequency,network visualization were used to explore the medication and acupoints selection rules,so as to provide advices for treating bi syndrome. Among the 30 national medicine masters,there were 13 papers on treating Bi syndrome. There were 75 kinds of classics mentioned Bi syndrome in these papers,among which the most frequently mentioned ones were Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber,Treatise on Cold- induced Febride Diseases,The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon,Compendium of Materia Medica,Systematized Patterns with Clear- Cut Treatments,Shen Nong’s Herbal. Bitong decoction of Master Zhu Liangchun is the most frequently used formula,and also Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu decoction,Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu decoction,Guizhi Fuzi decoction,Wutou decoction,Duhuo Jisheng decoction were all frequently used to treat Bi syndrome. Besides,Guizhi,Danggui,Fengfang,Gancao,Huangqi,Yiyiren,Quanxie,Baishao are the mostly applied Bi syndrome Chinese medicine. Masters of Cheng Xinnong,He Puren focus on tonifying kidney,dispelling wind,regulating the channels,and harmonizing qi and blood. The frequently used acupoints are Ashi point,Mingmen,Dazhui,Shenshu.
作者 李雨彦 刘良
机构地区 澳门科技大学
出处 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2015年第10期1451-1455,共5页 World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 痹证 关节炎 国医大师 Bi syndrome Arthritis National medicine masters
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