

Jitter and the New Digital Regime
摘要 更高速数字传输的发展不仅导致众多数字标准总线的出现,也使保证成功的设计需求发生了变化,即不仅要求功能正确,而且要求系统可靠。问题已从“它能工作吗?”变成“它能工作得多好?”。本文的主题就是通过对系统进行抖动测量和误码率(BER)测试在技术上回答上述问题。 应使用误码率确定数字系统鲁棒性的程度,误码率主要受所存在抖动程度的影响。本文对抖动作了介绍,讨论抖动来源,按产生的抖动特性对抖动源进行分类。有许多需要考虑的抖动因素,以及由此引发的各种增加或减少抖动的看法。文章介绍了这些看法及适用的相关标准,这些标准在哪些设计申能最为有效地使用。最后讨论今天的各种测试仪器工具,它们的能力和精度,以及在测量中的长处和不足。 Because of the relentless progression to higher speeds for digital transmission, there has not only been a proliferation of digital bus standards, but a shift in the design requirements in order to be successful. This shift has been one from considering only functionality to one of proving reliability. The question has gone from 'Does it work?' to 'How well does it work?' The way this question is answered technically through jitter measurements and bit error rate (BER) testing is the topic of this article. For digital systems the degree of robustness is determined by bit error rate which is heavily influenced by the degree of jitter present. Jitter is introduced and its sources are discussed and are categorized by characteristics of jitter they cause. There are many factors in the consideration of jitter and these lead to many viewpoints of jitter all of which yield insights into its source or mitigation. These viewpoints are introduced and related to standards when applicable, insights they can deliver and where in a design they are most effective. Finally, the test instrument tools available today that can deliver these views are discussed in terms of capabilities and accuracy along with their pros and cons in their measurement techniques.
作者 Brian Fetz
机构地区 Agilent公司
出处 《国外电子测量技术》 2003年第4期19-23,共5页 Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 数字传输 抖动测量 误码率 鲁棒性 数字技术 抖动源 Jitter measurement, BER, digital technigue.
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  • 1Howard Johnson博士,EDN Magazine,2002年6月27日,随机性和确定性抖动
  • 2Agilent产品指南5988-6109EN,"使用Agilent Infiniium示波器的抖动分析技术",2002年,http://www. agi-lent.com/得到.
  • 3Agilent产品指南5988-8425EN,"高数据率抖动分析技术",2003年,可从http://www. agilent.com/得到.
  • 4Agilent产品指南5988-7051EN,"需要测量抖动吗?"2002年,可从http://www.agilent.com/得到.
  • 5Agilent产品指南5988-6109EN,"了解抖动测量及标准",2002年,可从http://www.agilent.com/得到.
  • 6NIST技术指南1337,"时钟和振荡器特征描述",由D.B.Sullivan,D.W. Allan,D.A. Howe,F. L.Walls编撰,1990年.
  • 7作为"SONet/SDH规范"的参照标准是ITU-T 0.172,www.itu.int,以及GR-253-CORE,www. telcordia.corm.
  • 8作为Gigabit Ethernet和10 Gigabit Ethernet的参照标准是IEEE 802.3z和802.3ae,可从atandards.ieee.org/getieee802/得到.
  • 9信息技术标准国际委员会,T11.2.技术委员会,光纤通道-适用于抖动和信号完整性规范的方法学-MJSQ.工作草案,2003年1月.








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