
国际渔业法律制度的演进与发展 被引量:16

The Evolution and Development of the International Fisheries Legal Regime
摘要 自1958年海洋法四大公约出台以来,国际渔业法律制度经历了巨大的变革,渔业规制已经逐步由国际规制阶段发展到主要由沿海国进行规制的阶段。与旧的渔业规制体制相比,新的规制体制带来了更加有效的管理和更为公平的渔业资源分配。本文介绍了目前世界范围内对专属经济区和公海的捕鱼活动以及对跨界种群和特定种群予以规范的各种法律制度,包括联合国和区域性的公约、多边或双边条约,以及各个层次各个类别的相关组织,梳理了其发展演变的脉络,分析了其合理性、有效性和不足之处,并提出了意见和建议。本文认为,国际社会应当认可1993年《促进公海渔船遵守国际养护和管理措施的协定》,并配合其他国际海洋保育和管理措施,使渔业资源保育朝着更可持续发展的目标前进。 Ever since the enactment of 1958 Geneva Law of the Sea Conventions,international fisheries law had experienced a huge reform.Fisheries sector has transformed from the international regulated stage to the coastal States regulated stage.Comparing to the old regime,these new measures have brought about fair and efficient allocating fisheries resources.This paper introduces fisheries legal regime in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the high seas.Discussion also focuses on the legal governance system regarding straddling and specific stocks including international,regional,multilateral and bilateral treaties.This paper provides the development foot step for fisheries legal system,and analyzes its advantage and disadvantage.This paper concludes that the international society shall recognize the importance of 1993 Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas.Together with other international measures for conservation and management of marine fisheries resources,all of which shall serve toward the aim of sustainable development.
作者 张晏瑲
出处 《国际法研究》 2015年第5期23-46,共24页 Chinese Review of International Law
关键词 国际渔业法 《联合国海洋法公约》 渔业资源 渔业管理 International Fisheries Law United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Fisheries Resources Fisheries Management
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