
本体、对象与范围——国际组织法学科基本问题之探讨 被引量:6

Essentials of the Law of International Organizations:Some Reflections on the Ontology,Object and Scope of the Discipline
摘要 本文就国际组织法的本体、对象和范围这三个学科基本问题进行了探讨。多年来,国际法所研究的国际组织其实仅限于协定性政府间组织,而未能包含实践中大量存在的其他形式的国际多边合作的制度形态,不足以涵盖国际组织法研究的对象和范围。本文主张将国际组织定义为"适用于国家间多边合作的、依据国际法运作的制度性安排",从而将不属于协定性政府间组织的其他多边合作的组织形态纳入研究之中。同时,本文强调国际组织法研究应从传统的机构法、程序法视角跳出来,关注国际机构法和一般国际法、程序法和实体法之间的互动关系。国际社会尚不存在一部普遍适用于所有国际组织的统一的国际组织法法典,国际组织法大量地表现为各个国际组织的多样化的法律秩序;但是各国际组织中存在着共同的法律问题,需要就其一般性法律原则、规则和制度进行基础性研究,推动形成适用于各国际组织的普遍性法律规范和法理基础。 The article discusses in details three selected issues concerning the fundamentals of the law of international organizations,namely,the ontology,the research object as well as the scope of the scientific discipline.Traditionally,the study of international organizations in international law has been largely confined to treaty-based inter-governmental organizations and failed to treat other institutional forms of multilateral international cooperation as proper subjects for study under the law of international organizations.The article thus proposes to re-define international organizations as'institutional arrangements that are used for multilateral cooperation among states in accordance with international law',for the purpose of justifying the inclusion of the study of international institutions other than intergovernmental organizations in the purview of the law of international organizations.It is also emphasized that the study of the law of international organizations should not be exclusively devoted to institutional law or procedural law.Rather,more attention should be paid to the interactions between the international institutional law and general international law,between procedural law and substantive law.The international society has not enacted a uniform code for all international organizations and as such the law of international organizations in fact exists as an amalgamation of the diversified legal order of each and every individual organization.Yet,as international organizations face a number of problems common to them,many of which now occur when public authority is exercised by international organizations at global scale,it is highly desirable to study and develop principles and rules which are of general application to all international organizations.
作者 饶戈平 Rao Geping
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《国际法研究》 2016年第1期62-73,共12页 Chinese Review of International Law
关键词 国际组织 国际组织法 一般国际法 机构法 内部法 International Organizations Law of International Organizations General International Law Institutional Law Internal Law
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