
国际私法国际前沿年度报告(2014—2015) 被引量:5

Frontiers of Private International Law Abroad-An Annual Survey(2014—2015)
摘要 在过去的2014年7月至2015年6月的一年里,各国国际私法立法和实践继续取得了长足进步。欧盟国际私法统一化工作进入到一个新阶段,根据欧盟理事会新通过的五年议程,欧盟民事司法合作将进入一个新时代,重点转向对现行法律的有效适用。欧盟法院作出的大量判决对现行欧盟国际私法进行了阐释。欧盟《破产程序条例》得到修订,扩大了适用范围。欧盟以集体名义加入了海牙《扶养公约》和《协议选择法院公约》,标志着欧盟对外事务管辖权的进一步统一。同性婚姻和代孕子女现象在欧盟成员国得到进一步承认。美国法学会正式启动了第三次《冲突法重述》的编纂工作。美国联邦最高法院也再次受理了一起针对外国公司的诉讼案件,即将对外国国有企业的管辖权豁免问题作出具有里程碑意义的判决。其他各级法院还作出了大量很有研究价值的冲突法判决,涉及法院选择协议、CISG公约的适用、外国婚姻的效力、代孕子女的法律地位等。还有一些涉及外国法院判决的案例也引人关注,如厄瓜多尔法院针对雪弗龙公司的判决。拉丁美洲国家国际私法立法掀起了新的高潮。多米尼加、巴拿马、阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭等国都在过去的一年内颁布了新的国际私法法规。海牙国际私法会议的立法工作也取得了新进展。《国际商事合同法律选择原则》正式通过,《协议选择法院公约》正式生效,新的判决项目也已启动。随着我国一带一路战略的实施,我国法律"走出去战略"也应当加快进行。 From the July,2014 to the June,2015, the private international law legislations and practices in various countries continued to make great progress. The EU's private international law is entering into a new phase,and the EU civil judicial cooperation will enter a new era under the new Five Year Agenda of the EU Council. A large number of cases in the European Court have been issued. The European Union's Bankruptcy Proceedings Regulation has been amended to expand the scope of application. The European Union has joined The Hague Convention on Maintenance and the Convention on Choice of Court Agreement. This marks the expansion of EU's foreign affairs jurisdiction. The same sex marriage and surrogate phenomenon have been further recognized in the EU member states. In the USA,the American Law Institute recently announced that it will be pursuing the new Third 'Restatement' of the Conflict of Laws in the next years. The Supreme Court of the United States has accepted a new lawsuit against the Foreign Company,which will deal with the issue of the immunity of jurisdiction of foreign state-owned enterprises. Other courts also made a lot of judgments,involving choice-of-court agreement,application of the CISG,the effect of foreign marriage,the surrogate child's legal status,etc. There are some cases involving the recognition of foreign judgments,such as the Chevron's case. The legislations of the private international law of the Latin American countries have set off a new upsurge. Panama,Dominica,Argentina,Brazil and Paraguay have enacted new laws and regulations in the past year. New progress has also been made in the legislative work of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts has been formally adopted. Since the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreement has entered into force,the new Judgments Project has proceeded. Along with the implementation of the One Belt One Road strategy, the 'Going Out Strategy'of Chinese law should also speed up.
作者 杜涛
出处 《国际法研究》 2016年第2期101-128,共28页 Chinese Review of International Law
基金 中国国际私法学专题委员会项目经费资助的成果
关键词 欧盟国际私法 美国冲突法 海牙国际私法会议 EU's Private International Law Conflict of Laws in the United States Hague Conference on Private International Law
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