
川渝地区唐宋药师佛龛像的初步考察 被引量:1

Preliminary Investigation on Statues of Medicine Buddha during the Tang and Song Dynasties in Sichuan-Chongqing Region
摘要 四川、重庆地区作为中国石窟艺术集中分布区,保存有大量的药师佛造像,但因分布十分零散,数量与影响又不及西方、弥勒净土之类的其他造像,故一直以来缺乏深入系统的专门性探究。从总体分布来看,川北时代较早,组合较简单,越向南发展则年代相对较晚,组合也越趋复杂化,同时更加世俗化,并不严格遵照佛典仪轨,体现出更多的民间化倾向。这与整个川渝地区石窟造像的传播演化趋势、民间造像兴盛等状况是相一致的。从龛形而言,药师佛龛大多为双层龛,这是川渝地区特有的龛形,表现出其独特性。在造像特征上,药师佛多着双领下垂式佛衣,以宝珠、药钵、锡杖等为标志,除了单尊及常见的'东方三圣'之外,引人注目的是与释迦佛、阿弥陀佛、观音、地藏甚至文殊等进行多种组合,并进而汇合成包容繁多的药师经变组合。这种造像依据除了佛典之外,民间的实际需要占据了重要的地位。川渝药师佛龛像的来源除了主要考虑长安、洛阳地区因素之外,与敦煌、麦积山的关系也是不容忽视的。 There are a lot of statues of Medicine Buddha in Sichuan-Chongqing,as the concentrated area of Chinese caves.From the point of view of the overall distribution,the statues in north of Sichuan are earlier and more simple than that of the south.The time of statues in south is later,and the combination tends to be more complicated,and the style is more secular,reflecting more folk tendency.From the shape of the niche,mostly they are niches with double layers,the distinctive form in Sichuan-Chongqing.In sculpture features,the statues of Medicine Buddha wear sagging double collar clothes,and the signs are beads,medicine bowl and khakkra(Buddhist monk’s staff).In addition to single statue and"Oriental Trinity",they are a variety of combinations with Buddha Sakyamuni,Amitabha,Guanyin,Ksitigarbha and Bodhisattva Manjusri,which forms a wide variety of the Medicine Buddha Sutra combination finally.The basis of statues is from the actual need of the folk,besides the Buddhist Scriptures.The sources of the statues are from Changan and Luoyang,at the same time the influence of Dunhuang and Maijishan also can not be ignored.
作者 符永利 Fu Yongli
出处 《石窟寺研究》 2015年第1期48-65,共18页 Studies of the Cave Temples
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(13CKG014) 西华师范大学科研启动基金项目(12B003)
关键词 川渝 药师龛像 唐宋 类型组合 依据源流 Sichuan-Chongqing niches of Medicine Buddha the Tang and Song Dynasties type and combination basis and source
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