

The Community of Central Asians on the Banks of the Yi and Luo Rivers from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology:The Case of the newly Discovered Nestorian Burial Niche in Longmen Grottoes(Ⅱ)
摘要 随着隋唐洛阳故城东郊景教经幢石刻的出土和龙门石窟唐代景教瘗窟的发现,以当地'感德乡'、'崇义乡'为移民聚落的胡人生活区便进入了人们的视野。对于一处大遗址文化遗产的揭示,除了探方考古发掘成果的积累,古籍文献的叙事亦为一项值得人们悉心梳理、采撷论据的工作。本文以当地出土文物及相关诗文纪事为质料,对这一胡人聚落在洛阳社会生活中发挥的文化效应进行了钩沉,从而揭示出西域胡人利用伊洛河漕运水系经营生贩的聚落选择。不仅如此,由于这一胡人部落信奉着故国的宗教并怀恋着旧邦的生活方式,因而其日常生活的习俗惯性便在东都地区发挥出'文化碰撞'的职能,由此形成当地社会生活中种种西域文明大放异彩的结局。 With the unearthing of the Nestorian stone pillar at the eastern outskirts of the Sui and Tang Luoyang ancient city,and the discovery of the Nestorian burial niche in Longmen Grottoes,the dwelling areas of the"Gande"and"Chongyi"townships have entered our field of vision.As regards the detection of this extremely important cultural site,archaeological research is surely of the utmost importance,but also historical source materials can provide us with accounts worth being carefully selected and used as grounds of argument.On the basis of the extant cultural relics and of the accounts found in poetry and prose writings,the present paper aims at outlining the cultural effects provoked by this community of Central Asians in the Luoyang social life,and then at exposing their choice of utilizing the system of the Yi and Luo river canals for commercial and settlement purposes.In addition,as this community of Central Asians worshiped the religions of their motherland and at the same time looked back nostalgically at their original lifestyle,their ordinary living habits had the impact of a"cultural collision"for the entire Luoyang area,hence the emergence of many brilliant examples of Central Asian civilization in the Chinese social life of the time.
作者 张乃翥 郑瑶峰 Zhang Naizhu;Zheng Yaofeng
出处 《石窟寺研究》 2015年第1期255-299,共45页 Studies of the Cave Temples
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:40901074)的资助
关键词 洛阳唐代文化遗址 伊洛河平原 龙门石窟 胡人部落 夷教习俗 the cultural site of Luoyang of Tang Dynasty the plain of the Yi and Luo rivers Longmen Grottoes the community of Central Asians the customs of the foreign religions








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