
杭州将台山南观音洞造像调查记略 被引量:6

The Preliminary Investigation on the Images of Southern Guanyin Cave at Mount Jiangtai in Hangzhou
摘要 南观音洞是杭州地区重要的一处石窟遗迹,洞内造像始雕于南宋开禧年间,最初的设计包括正壁主尊与胁侍、侧壁下层的十八罗汉与二天王像。到了南宋嘉定年间,信徒们即开始补雕罗汉等像于壁面所剩空间。到了明代仍在补雕。位于上层的文殊与普贤像相互对称,或为最初设计,或为后期补做。嘉定之后补雕的诸像,在造像的配置方面多没有统一规划,且题材雷同,有多尊白衣观音与罗汉像,应属个人的不同功德。现存洞内诸像均重塑于1986~1991年,而从'文革'后的幸存残像以及20世纪50年代所拍照片来看,当年的石雕像均已被改作了泥塑像,但应大体延续着原石雕像的题材与基本姿态。而现存洞内的重塑则是大体延续着原有泥塑像的样式。因此,现存的重做塑像也应该大体反映着原像的题材与基本姿态,但风格已非原始面貌。洞内诸像体量小,且均为头身比例不协调的头大身小,应是沿袭了五代、北宋时期杭州地区的民间造像风格,如胜果寺吴越国时期的十八罗汉雕像。 The Southern Guanyin cave is an important site of cave temples in the area of Hangzhou.The first group of images in the cave were carved during the Kaixi reign(1205-1207)of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279),including the main figure of the cave and his attendants on the front wall,as well as the Eighteen Luohans and the two Guardian King figures on the side walls.During Jiading reign(1208-1224)of the Southern Song Dynasty,the Buddhists started to sponsor the carving of other figures on the rest space of the walls until the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644).Located on the upper level of the walls in the cave,the Manjusri and Samantabhadra figures make a pair,and they could be produced during the Kaixi reign or a later period.The images carved in the Jiading reign and later periods do not have an unified design,and many of them depict Luohan or White-robed Guanyin Bodhisattva.Probably they belong to individual sponsored projects through which the Buddhists gained their merits and virtues.In the cave,based on the old photos taken before 1966,the current images are reproductions from 1986-1991 after 1966-1976 when the images were totally destroyed.In fact,before 1966-1976,the images were also clay figures reproduced on the surfaces of the damaged original stone carved ones.Therefore,the current figures follow some characteristics of the images before 1966-1976 and the original ones,but with different styles.According to some broken original figures survived in the cave,they have a larger head in proportion,followed the folk style of the stone carved images in the area of Hangzhou during the Five Dynasties(907-960)and Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127)periods,such as the Eighteen Luohan images from the Wuyue kingdom(907-978)at the site of Shengguo monastery in Hangzhou.
作者 常青 Chang Qing
出处 《石窟寺研究》 2019年第1期24-39,共16页 Studies of the Cave Temples
关键词 杭州佛教艺术 佛教 佛教造像 南观音洞 石窟寺 罗汉 南宋 Buddhist art of Hangzhou Buddhist Images Southern Guanyin Cave Cave Temples Luohan Southern Song Dynasty
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